The Majestic Tuddingan Falls of La Union

Tuddingan Fals
Tuddingan Falls in La Union


The Tuddingan Falls in La Union - A Brief Description

Unlike other waterfalls in the province which have poor accessibility, visitors have the luxury of walking on a 700-meter cemented pathway with grills beside Bagulin Road up to the hill overlooking Tuddingan. 

Tuddingan Falls
Photo Credit:

The sources of Tuddingan Falls are the numerous water springs in the mountains which also supply the vast rice land of Naguilian. All year round, Tuddingan promises a fantastic view, showcasing clean and strong water. 

Tuddingan Falls
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This towering beauty of about 70 feet has a man-made pool-like at the base which makes it more tempting to swimmers, especially for those who love to make daring dives by jumping from its perfectly formed multi-layered rock strata. Tuddingan Falls was the venue of 2004 Global Reunion of Naguilian, where the Balikbayans’ homesick feeling was instantly quenched by the charming waterfall.

Tuddingan Falls La Union

How To Get to Tuddingan Falls

  • From Naguilian Town - Visitors can reach Tudingan Falls by tricycles or jeepneys bound for the town of Bagulin which is about 6 kilometers away from the town proper of Naguilian. 
  • From Baguio - Take a bus going to La Union that takes the route Naguilian road and stop at the town hall of Naguilian then take a tricycle going to Tuddingan. 
  • From Manila - Take buses going to northwestern Luzon. Stop at Bauang, La Union town Plaza and walk your way northwards to Naguilian Road at the monument intersecting from the East. Wait for jeepneys or mini-buses at the waiting shed a few meters away near the Public Library. At Naguilian town proper, take a tricycle to the jump-off point in Barangay Tuddingan (just after the bridge) and there, walk for five minutes to the waterfalls.


More Pictures of Tuddingan Falls from Local Travelers and Bloggers

Tuddingan Falls

Tuddingan Falls

Tuddingan Falls

Videos of the Waterfalls

