Dibulo Falls - Dinapigue, Isabela

Dibulo Falls
Dibulo Falls

Dibulo Falls is gaining popularity because of its suspended features. It is the tallest waterfalls in the Province of Isabela located in the little town of Dinapigue. It is located on the east coast side of the province facing the Pacific Ocean. Being separated by the mountain ranges of the Sierra Madre from the rest of the province. Read more

Dibulo Falls

The falls standing tall at a height of approximately 100 meters. The pristine water of the falls coming from the Sierra Madre range provides more than leisure to its visitors but a life to its inhabitants. Read more 

A cheap source of electricity by harnessing the rapid water of the famous Dibulo falls, a tourist destination here, has been billed as this year's top priority in the investment program of this coastal town. As envisioned, the hydropower plant will generate electricity from the Dibulo waterfalls, located in barangay Dibulo, which would be capable of supplying electricity to the whole town. At present, the irrigation water supply of farmers comes from the Dibulo river where the falls find its way. Read more

    How to get to Dibulo Falls

    • From Santiago City in Isabela, take a bus to Dinapigue (5-6 hours).
    • From the junction plaza, hire a motorcycle to get you to the registration area in Dibulo Falls. It’s best to ask your driver to wait for you as there is limited transportation services back to the main road.

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