Pau Falls - Arayat, Pampanga


Pau Falls
Pau Falls | credit: Revive Mt. Arayat National Park via Facebook

Pau Falls is located in Barangay Baliti in Arayat, Pampanga. A good side-trip when visiting the Gintung Pakpak Eco Park in the said town. It can be reached in 20-30 minutes by foot from the park. 

The waterfall can trek via narrow and steep trails. Though this waterfall can be reached in less than an hour, its surroundings are not well-kept due to trashes found in its waters. The local leaders should restore and maintain the cleanliness and beauty of this waterfall to attract tourists and generate revenue.

Pictures of Pau Falls

Pau Falls
Pau Falls Plunge Pool | credit: pelicanbikers

Pau Falls
Pau Falls | credit: pelicanbikers

Pau Falls
Pau Falls | credit: pampangatalents

Videos of Pau Falls

How To Get to Pau Falls?

From Manila: Take a bus bound for San Fernando, Pampanga. Alight at SM and take jeepney bound for Magalang, Pampanga. Tell the driver to drop you at Baliti and from there, take a trike to Paul Falls; jump off point - the Puntung Pau Trail. 

From Dau: Take a bus to Marque Mall then take a jeepney bound for Arayat. The jeepney terminal is close to Caltex gasoline station. Tell the driver to drop you at Balit then take a trike to take you to Puntung Pau Trail on your trek to Pau Falls.