Tubo Tagpao Falls

Tubo Tagpao Falls Abra

Tagpao Falls - located in Tubo, It is a standout amongst the most lovely waterfalls in the Philippines that I have been to and maybe, one of the nation's tallest. Be that as it may, it is so remote, around five hours to achieve the town of Tubo from the common capital, Bangued. It's another day trek over the exceptionally rocky landscape to achieve the base camp that, amid the wet season is abounding with bloodsuckers. And after that, an hour from the base camp to the base of the falls, trekking through the backwoods, climbing rocks and fallen trees, and fighting off those bloodsuckers. In any case, seeing Tagpao Falls is awesome! Read more 

Abra Tubo Tagpao Falls
source: source: https://bensalves.wordpress.com

Tagpew Falls Abra
source: https://danielsecotravels.com/abra-tourist-spots/

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