Aninuan Falls Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

Aninuan Falls
Aninuan Falls (credit: freedive_inn via Instagram)
There are three waterfalls near White Beach in Puerto Galera. On the second day of our Mindoro escapade, we woke up early to visit one of these falls: Aninuan Falls. It is nestled at the foot of the towering Mt. Malasimbo and is under the vicinity of Brgy. Aninuan, hence the name Aninuan Falls. Read More
Aninuan Falls Puerto Galera
An enticing picture of Aninuan Falls (credit: ryelowww via Instagram)
With vendors scattered about, these falls aren't quite idyllic but they are nonetheless refreshing and you can scramble up the rocks for some modest (3m) cliff jumps. The falls are signposted along the National Highway in Aninuan village. From the highway it's about 1km to the parking area, then a 15-minute walk to the falls (slippery when wet, easy at other times). A guide (P100) is optional.

Hiking the Aninuan Falls

Today we thought we'd hike to the local waterfalls. Apparently, they are very beautiful and relaxing. Since we have been here about 50 people have offered to guide us to the falls and maybe we should have paid someone to take us (to give back to the community and all that), but we honestly just wanted a quiet walk. We didn't need a guide – you just follow the stream. Read More.

Aninuan Falls Hiking
Hiking the Aninuan Falls (credit:
 It was a good exercise, too, because it really made us sweat. It was really good timing that we hiked first thing in the morning because it was not too hot. It was rather cool because there were many trees around. After an hour of hiking, we finally reached the Aninuan falls! Read More.

Aninuan Falls Trekking
Hiking the Aninuan Falls (credit:
The good thing about it is you gained a lot of endorphins from hiking and you spent only 20 pesos(more like a donation) to enjoy the falls. We climbed at the side of the mountain, went to the falls and went down on the other side of the mountain. The view was completely different and we were thankful for the experience. This is my first legitimate hike. Read More.

Aninuan Falls
This is the Aninuan Falls.  It is one of the well-known waterfalls in Mindoro together with the Tamaraw Falls. We were only able to go here but we’ll make sure to visit Tamaraw next time.  The water was so COLD! but it was so relaxing after an hour or so of trekking. Read More.

Going to Aninuan Falls can be tricky because there are lots of ways branching to different communities in the area. We just followed some old trails and asked politely to locals to get there. We crossed the stream a lot of times and luckily, we didn't quit and continued walking. We finally reached the falls after an hour of spotting scattered trails. Read More.

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Aninuan Falls Puerto Galera

Aninuan Falls

Aninuan Falls

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